Samurai 1K clear coat (Twinkling) is the paint used for completion of the painting industry. Uniquely formulated (without hardener) to build a solid layer and thus protect all types of coated surface.
Product Features:
● Nozzle can be rotated vertically or horizontally
● Strong adhesion to the surface
● Extra glossiness and provide maximum shine
● Guaranteed non-crack
● Protect from petrol and engine oil
● Weather resistant
● This K1KT clear contain some flakes that will make your cover set blinking.
Complete dry: 30 – 45 minutes
Inter-coat: Anytime as long as not spray 2k clear yet.
Product Features:
● Nozzle can be rotated vertically or horizontally
● Strong adhesion to the surface
● Extra glossiness and provide maximum shine
● Guaranteed non-crack
● Protect from petrol and engine oil
● Weather resistant
● This K1KT clear contain some flakes that will make your cover set blinking.
Complete dry: 30 – 45 minutes
Inter-coat: Anytime as long as not spray 2k clear yet.